Final Year Project

  • Final semester of the university is the most difficult phase from all the semesters. And the most difficult part is to choose a unique topic for documentary.

    I researched for the idea before I went to Sir Rehan. I had two topics in my mind but Sir Rehan suggested to make a documentary on "Water Sewerage." As we all know once the topic is decided and approved. It begins the development of project, I have done a lot of research on my topic, read articles/ blogs/ newspaper's report from past years that how this sensitive issue is being portrayed in our society. Sewer system infrastructure often reduces the water table in areas, especially in densely populated areas where rainwater (from house roofs) is directly piped into the system, as opposed to being allowed to be absorbed by the soil. The main connection of water sewerage in twin cities is Lai Nallah. 

    This documentary will cover the issues of people living near Lai Nullah due to compulsion or zero expenses to afford a house at good place and how they are spending their tough life everyday.