Behavioral Modification

  • Behavioral Modification

    Behavior modification refers to the process in which a specific behavior (undesirable) is replaced with one that is desirable. This process is based on the operant conditioning and therefore is implemented by positive or negative reinforcement, depending on the nature of the behavior.  

    Naturally, being human, all of us have multiple behaviors of such kind. For which there are certain behavioral modifying techniques developed to tackle them.

     Target Behavior:

     One out of many habits that I personally would like to overcome is my habit of excessive use of social media. Social media has become an integral part of our lives whether our parents like it or not, however the dependence on it is alarming. 


     Even though I have set a 90-minute reminder for my maximum daily usage, I most of the time exceed that limit. Currently my average on Instagram is 2 hours 15 minutes. 

    Normally I use it when I am bored, however this is also the main reason behind my procrastinating habits. Many times I would have pending work, but I would be using it regardless. Furthermore, this excessive usage also causes my sleep cycle to be irregular and disturbed, as there are at least 20-30 minutes where I scroll through my feed once I am in bed. 

    Due to this, there are various negative impacts that I have on my daily and especially academic tasks. Un-monitored and unlimited timed access to my phone is the main reason behind this behavior of mine. 

     The Goal:

    The goal that I will set up will be SMART as well as gradual keeping in mind that not only such goals make the achievement of the final goal easier but also gradual implementation is more long lasting. 

    The final goal would be to reduce my average time per day to one hour at maximum from my current two hours fifteen minutes.

    I will start to prioritize my chores and assignments over Instagram. And therefore make it a reinforcer as well. Thus it will also encourage me not to procrastinate and do the tasks meant to be done on time. 

    This will then not only regulate my usage but also act as a reward. 

    The Plan of Implementation:

    Week 1: Aim to reduce the time spent to 2 hours (15 minutes’ reduction)

    Week 2: Aim to reduce time spent to 1 hour 30 minutes, and prioritize chores and academic work over the usage of Instagram

    Week 3: Aim to reduce time spent to 1 hour 15 minutes, and along with prioritizing chores and academics over it, also avoid usage before bed 

    Ultimately aim to keep this as my permanent time consumed over Instagram.

    Reinforcements (rewards):

    On days where I am able to keep up with the goals that I have set for myself, I will reward myself with either the zinger burger or the mayo-chili fries from the canteen. On the other hand, if I am not, I would not use Instagram for the entire day if I am unable to do so. Lastly, the usage of Instagram itself will act as a reward once I have done my daily tasks and complied by the time limit set.


    Recording the progress:

    I would record my progress by keeping a close eye on the Instagram average time check option. I will also put reminders according to the time limit of my goal of the week. I will also keep a progress chart on the soft-board next to my study table. This will help me keep track and also help me reward myself for motivation, or punish whenever I exceed the time limit. 

    Ending the program:

    By the end of these three weeks I hope that I am used to the changed time limit. I will still keep a track of my performance and make conscious efforts to keep this habit, however if at any point I feel like my usage habits are returning to the old ways, I will restart this process.