Women's Rights In Our Society

  • Women rights have always been an important issue in the society of every country. People in the
    society are not well aware of women rights and their importance. But it’s the truth that woman is one of
    the best creatures in the world. Being Muslim, woman has been given a great importance and value in
    Islam. Man and woman have equal rights in Islam. Despite of having rights, women are still deprived of
    their financial, economic, social and political rights. She is victim of violence at domestic level as well as
    sexual harassment in their profession. She is undoubtedly dealt with injustice and unfairness in the
    society. She is badly deprived of her fundamental rights. It is surprise to know that woman is under
    privileged to get her basic rights. Education is the only source that can make her empower not only in
    society but also financially and professionally.
    In Islam there is no difference between men and women. As both promised the same for good deeds
    and punishable for bad deeds. The QURAN says
    “And for women are rights over men similar to those for men or women.”
    As we have already seen in our society that woman has to face many hurdles in her life. Many people
    think that only men can support their families. But this thinking is wrong, as women can play a pivotal
    role in a society and supporting own families as well.
    Sacrifice is the synonym of woman. But there is a question from all of us. Do we really understand and
    respect the rights of woman?
    Unfortunately, for majority of us, the answer is NO. Many men from our society have shown their
    frustration about women. They think that they have no emotions. But now the time has come that men
    have to change their mentality. In the 21 st century women deserves, Freedom of speech, freedom from
    fear, freedom of choice, freedom from torture. Woman has equal rights in our society.
    It is not only responsibility of government to stop violence against women, but it is also our
    responsibility to raise our voices against these issues.