Women portrayal in advertisement

  •                                          I AM a WOMEN Not a Product

    Advertising is a form of communication that typically  attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service.  Advertisements tend to communicate the idea that appearance is all-important and they teach us to be self conscious  about how we look. When we grow up surrounded by ads, intense self-scrutiny may seem normal. Negative feelings about oneself, whether related to appearance or anything else, can be followed by lower self-esteem. Advertisements tend to communicate the idea that appearance is all-important and it teaches us to be self-conscious about how we look. A stereotype is a view or a characterization of a person or a group of persons based upon narrow and frequently correct assumptions. Stereotypes are used by those who cannot or will not take the time to notice what a person is really like. They are particularly common in media because they are easier to create. The portrayal of women in print media is quite degrading more often than not depicting her as commercial   commodity. Media does not provide a balanced portrayal of women's diverse lives and their contributions to society and a changing world, often reinforcing stereotyped image of woman and their roles in the society.  The media portrayal of women as thin and tall is creating a desire among young girls and female viewers to attain the exact body presented by media. For this purpose they adopt unhealthy ways to attain the unrealistic image of beauty.