• Traffic issues in Pakistan:

    Traffic jam is the kind of issue which we all face in our daily life. It makes us feel helpless and at the same time wastage of our resources like fuel and the motivation that we feel early morning to work. We feel lethargic even before doing our work or reaching our respective destination.

    Pakistan’s most populated cities like Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad, etc. face traffic jams on a daily bases which can even cause an alarming situation in case a person has an emergency and has to be taken to the hospital but due to the heavy blockade we see even the ambulance stuck in traffic. This increasing rush of heavy traffic on the roads often results in loss of human life. The traffic in Karachi is worsening with the time, as it is not being monitored properly the traffic police abandon the place which need monitoring the most, leaving the rash drivers  in control who risk the lives of passengers.  

    One of the causes that our country is facing severe traffic issues is because no one follows the rules, no one maintains the rules as how to drive and how not a person should overtake any other car or make different lanes, or he most common rule which is broken not caring about the red signals, everyone is in a hurry and decide not to follow the rules, and why the drivers do not follow rules because there is no one who can enforce these rules properly and strictly on the drivers, the traffic police is nowhere to be seen, no actions are taken for breaking the laws.

    The cities are getting overly populated, banks has made it easy for a person to purchase a car, which in a way has its pros but cons too, the roads get so populated that there is no way for any car to pass.

    Only if the authorities start enforcing laws seriously, start putting sanctions on people and maintaining a decorum for the passengers life would be easy on a daily basis.