Forget your past Memories will make you happy

  • Everyone has memories they would rather forget, and they may know the triggers that bring them skipping back. When an unwanted memory intrudes on the mind, it is a natural human reaction to need to shut it out. Bad memories can underlie a number of issues, from post-horrendous pressure issue to phobias. Good memories help the individual more joyful each time they remain their recollections and they will be cheerful. Every time you think about the memory, it will be somewhat extraordinary. If you focus on the good feelings instead of the bad each time, the memory will start to change in tone. Maybe it won't go from being a bad memory toward a great one memory, but it might lose the power to hurt you again. Sometimes our brains get into ruts that are difficult to climb out of and no scene of any path to exit. If you find yourself thinking on bad memories a lot, train your mind to switch to happy memories instead of that. Don't give a bad memory enough time to change your mood or make you feel nervous; instead, the moment it comes into your mind, shift your thinking to a happier memory. Continue rehearsing positive reasoning until you never again consequently fall into a similar old mental trenches. Keep your timetable clear and your mind motivated, so you have little bit time to harp on negative thoughts. If you tend to spend a lot of time alone, make it a point to go out more with friends and enjoy with them, or visit your family more often. Distract yourself with reading a good book, or pick up a new hobby. The more time you spend sitting around with nothing to do, the more likely you are to stay on old memories. Create something new. You could stitch a dress, make a painting, or write a song. Transfer your energy into making something, and you won't have time to think about bad memories ever. By reliving over and over a story, we tend to believe that things are going to transform. Sadly, no matter how many storylines you create in your mind, what happened won’t change. What you can change is how you feel about the situation. If a relationship went wrong, most people are likely to remember the breakup. They go over every word that was supposed to them, reliving their feelings too. Like watching Battlefield Earth again and again but the thing is that choose your own terrible movie. You stop torturing yourself. Go and look at another movie. If your manager rejected your idea, you feel hurts. If you were ignored by your partner, you believe that you will be ignoring again and again. Just because something went wrong doesn’t mean you are bad person. One fact from the past does not define who you are. It’s just one memory, not your truth. We want to discover new insights: Rehashing the most painful moment of your life, won’t make you wiser. True knowledge is a Eureka moment, a revelation. When you don’t get along with an important person but you have to work with him every day, it’s hard to have perspective. By getting some distance from the difficulty you make room for things to decant. Insights will prove up when the right time comes. We want to look good: After he was fired, a friend of mine was ruminating different achievable versions of a story, trying to make him look excellent. That’s normal. But trying to visualize a heroic version of what really happened will only turn you into a victim. Let go of that misleading habit. We believe identification: When something really mattered to us, we don’t want to let go. We have a feeling that we are limiting the effect the occasion had on us. The reality is that you are simply preserving the ache instead of taking care of yourself.  Getting stuck to a past breakup won’t let you to move onward. Help others to let go of their own rehashing: It’s easier to see how others fall into the same traps we are trying to shun. Helping your friends to stop ruminating after a loss will give you perception into how to deal with your own sufferers. Live in the now: I firmly called out myself or others when they get into the “what would have happened?” suffering. Exploring theoretical solutions or reviewing your past decisions with the information you only have now it’s hopeless. You’ll just think more disturbed. Forget and let off: forgiving those who lied to you, doesn’t mean support it doesn’t mean that what hurt you didn’t matter either. It’s an effective way to let go. When you are at calm with those who hurt you, you can be at calm with yourself. Write how you feel when you are stuck: pen down the skill itself and then capture the emotions associated to it. Focus on differentiating one from the other one. The knowledge is external, the feeling is yours. Working on these memory hacks, I’ve learned to bounce back, to get well fast. To easily delete sad memories, like the argument with my awesome friend, from my memory. Residence on the past or focusing on the future can make you lose sight of your present life. This can make your life quickly pass you by without pleasure of the present. If you find yourself focusing too much on past events or pain, or upsetting about the future, there are some methods that can help you learn to live for today.  Whatever past occasion you focus on, you may need to convey the thoughts you have associated with the event, whether good or bad, before you can move on. There may be experiences in your past that were cruel, but there also may be good memories as well. Getting out you is pent up emotions, whether good or bad, can help you let go of the past and focus on the present. Chat to a friend, family member, or therapist about your feelings. Try script down your feelings about the past. You can magazine or write a letter to someone that hurt you (just don't send it!). Even if you're dwelling on good memories, it can affect you to lose link with the present. You may find yourself romanticizing the past or desire for things to be the way they were, instead of focusing on how to perk up your present life. Focusing on who to guilt for past hurts can ruin the present. Instead of residence on who has caused you pain, forgive them. Focus on present actions and leave behind any blame or hurt you feel. If there is someone in your past that has hurt you, choose to forgive and never look back. Festering in the pain doesn't damage the person who hurt you and it will cause you to stay in the past. If you have to write the person a letter or talk to the person about how her past events, you don't have to send the letter, but it will help you stop blaming her for the past and help you move toward the present and your gladness. Focus on joyful things. If expressing your approach about the past has not helped, focus on happy things. You can't change the past or be anxious about the future, so don't dwell on it. Think about happy things occurrence right now. If you find this hard, create a standard for yourself. For example, create a happy place that you can think that connects with your current life, such as your favorite analysis place in your garden. If you find yourself thoughts too much about your past or worrying about the future, visualize the happy times you have there, or even picture yourself in that soothing place.  If all attempts haven't worked, try jamming or pushing aside your memories. This can help you get over bad memories with sufficient time. Plus, pushing the bad memories far enough into the back of your mind will help them trouble you less. Predict yourself pushing the worries behind a door and locking it. Giving you a mental image will help, especially if the memories or doubts are strong. Studies show that containment is a possible and learnable skill that can help you get away from memories or break from your past. Every time the awful memories come up, firmly move them to the back of your mind. Guide yourself to forget about the event and make aware effort to move your brain past it.  There are points in almost every day where you might have to wait for impressive. You could be in line at the superstore or waiting at a red light in your car. During these moments, oppose the urge to look at your phone and instead notice things around you. Become watchful of your surroundings instead of wasting time touchy about how you wish the line was shorter or the light would change. These are great moments to take in simple, small things in your present time. Avoid using your phone to overtake the time. Instead, look around you at other people in line or in cars about you. Smile at someone or hit up a discussion with the person behind you in line.