Impact of Cell phone usage on our Social Life

  • Impact of Cell phone usage on our Social Life :- 

    Cell phones are becoming basic need of life from it original purpose which was a gadget of comfort.Many years ago, People use cellphones to communicate with their family and friends and exchange information but now it become source of entertainment which may cause youth to waste their time by using it.

    Damaging cause by Cell phones :-

    Cell phone Technology is neutral can be use for constructive or destructive purpose. Family bond is also affected. Before this destructive usage of phone, people used to share their feeling with siblings, parents and friends. But now people put status and face to face communication is almost vanished. While driving, we can’t get rid of this habit and this cause serious accidents. 

    Not only elder people but younger ones are also addicted in this habit. At the age when children used to play with toys but new generation play with tablets and cell phone. Parents thought that child is getting knowledge and such entertainment will help their child to increase his/her IQ level but they don’t release that harmful ray will not only affect his health but also he will develop the habit of excess usage of Cell phones.

    New generation is so busy that they have not any time for their parents and by doing so their old parents suffer a lot and feel themselves alone. Cell phone is become our part of personality and harms us in the worse way. Conversion of Cell phones from source of luxury and comfort to basic need of life is very destructive because we spend our free time with our phone rather than family and friends.

    Communication quality is affected by the excess usage of Cell phone. Most people are in habit of texting so their face to face communication quality suffer a lot. While sitting in family get together, everybody is busy on their cell phones and face to face conversation reach to minimum level. From this is obvious the influence of cell phone in our life. This cause alarming situation because face to face communication is important than having chat on social media. Using cell phone while charging is very dangerous and cause accidents.

    In nutshell the cooler features of cell phone hide the negativity. One can’t put his/her life out of these smart gadgets. The World is vast try to look beyond ordinary source of pleasures.