Muslim States and their Relations with other States

  • Muslim States and their Relations with other States

    Islam is a religion of peace and no Muslim State can follow a policy of territorial expansion and unprovoked aggression. The foreign policy of a Muslim state should be such as to advance the cause of Islam and the moral, culture and political objectives of its society and to preserve and protect its territorial integrity. The Quran and the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) Sunnah provide sufficient guidance to enable a Muslim state to frame its foreign policy.

    In pre-Islamic days, international law has no independent existence; it was dependent on the will and pleasure of the head of the state. The first Muslim state in Madinah was established and governed by the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). It was a confederacy of villages inhabited by Muslims, Jews, Christians and pagan Arabs.

    The rules of international conduct comprise note only internal legislation, but also treaties, relations and agreements with other states. The ambassador is considered to be immune from all violation, even if he brings an unpleasant message. He enjoys to be immune from all violation, even if he brings an unpleasant message. He enjoys all liberty of creed and security as long as he stays in a Muslim state. Like other aspects of life in Islam, International relations of a Muslim state are based on Divine guidance given in the Quran. They are based on the following principles:

    1. Belief in the unity of mankind, in origin, in human status and in aims.
    2.  Respect for other people's interests and rights to life, honour and property, as long as they do not encroach upon the rights of Muslims.
    3. Maintaining peaceful relations with the exchange of goodwill missions.
    4.  Intolerance of encroachment in International Relations. The Islamic state must defend itself and suppress all attempts to violate or disturb its peace, or endanger hits security or exploit its peaceful policies. The law of war and peace in Islam does not allow an aggressive war nor makes the killing of people and animals or the destruction of crops, homes and places of worship its objective. It does not allow the killing of women, children and aged people nor the torture of war prisoners or the imposition of its teachings on the conquered people. It is only a defensive measure justified as long as wrong, injustice and aggression exist in the world.
    5. Fulfilling the obligations undertaken by the Muslim state and honouring the treaties concluded between the Islamic State and other states. This is binding as long as the other parties remain faithful to their obligations and honour there treaties.

    This state does not exist only for itself and its own subjects. It has a wide scope and an important mission in the international field. It has not only to strive for the prosperity and advancement of its own citizens but also make valuable contributions to humanity on an international level in education, economics, industry, politics and other fields.

    Islam seeks to establish a world community, with complete equality among people without distinction of race, class or country. It seeks to convert by persuasion, allowing no compulsion in religions beliefs. According to Islam, it is the duty of every individual to make constant efforts for spreading good and preventing evil.