Article of Cambridge Analytica

  • Scadal of cambridge analytica

    Cambridge analytica is a british data firm partly owned by the family of robert mercer, a billiaonaire American hedge and fund manager and republic donor.The firm is alleged to have harvested data of ten millions of facebook users without permission in order to design a software to predict and influence people’s voting preferences.

    Present donold trump’s campaign gained appropriate access to data on 50 million facebook users. The reports in The New york times and the Observer were based on details provided by christopher wylie, a 28 year old data analytics expert who helped found cambridge analytica.

    Future of Pakistan     fature of pakistan is in dangerous hands because our past political situation is not good and we had faced a lot of problems. In the futue cambridge analytica can play role(with bad faces) in comming elections because a prominent party leader have contected the cambridge analytica company.