Pro Stick should be utilized by skilled 2K series players

  • The shot meter was given an MT 2K22 updated look this year. With a new scale that players can use to gauge their shot, it can be difficult to master. The new shot meters have been the cause of many issues since its introduction. We'll help you to master NBA 2K22 shooting on your MyPlayer.

    2K Games has changed the shooting meters in NBA 2K22 but they haven’t changed the way players shoot within the game. There are currently two options to shoot the ball: via the Pro Stick (right joystick) or by pressing a single button.

    The game on PlayStation will require users to press the Square button to shoot. Xbox users will need to press the"X" button. Both consoles will also require the Right Joystick (or better known as the Pro Stick). What differentiates these two ways of shooting is the accuracy. While the Pro Stick will allow for more errors than Button shooting but it also gives players greater control in the precision they use in taking perfect shots.

    Button shooting is an excellent alternative for players who are new to the sport. It will give you more satisfaction over Pro Stick shooting. However, Pro Stick should be utilized by skilled 2K series players. To measure your shot quality during games, the new shot measure in NBA 2K22 has been introduced. It's not necessary to have a lot of meter to hit an excellent shot if there two opponents in the way.

    2K would like you to think more strategically about taking a shot. Instead of relying solely on your instinctual shooting abilities to get you there, So while the shot meter is going to look relatively the same as compared to the previous seasons, the gauge will be able to change dependent on the shot quality.

    The badges are the perks which Buy NBA 2K22 MT your player earned during the course of playing NBA 2K22. How you build your MyPlayer account will determine how many shooting badges your player can use. There are a variety of options available, and some are going make a huge difference in shooting NBA 2K22; we're going through a selection of the best below. Each of them will improve the quality of shooting in particular regards and will allow you to achieve higher shooting statistics from particular areas of the court.