Can Sugar Glider Eat Dried Mealworms?

  • In the wild, sugar gliders feed on a mix of tree sap, nectar, and insects. In captivity, they require a balanced diet with the appropriate protein, calcium, vitamins, and fruits and vegetables.

    Sugar gliders should be fed at least 50% of their diet from a variety of insect-based sources (such as commercial pelleted formulas, live crickets, and Dubia roaches). The other half of the diet should be made up of fresh fruits, vegetables, and vitamin and mineral supplements.

    Dried Mealworms

    In the wild, Sugar Gliders eat a wide variety of insects and small lizards. They also eat the saps, gums and nectar that are found within tree bark.

    In captivity, Sugar Gliders eat a balanced diet that includes protein from animal sources (such as eggs, meats and insects) as well as fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables provide a large range of vitamins and minerals, and they are an excellent source of natural fiber for Sugar Gliders.

    Dried mealworms are a natural source of protein and can be added to a glider's diet as a supplement, or fed as a treat. However, if you are feeding these insects regularly, it is important to add a 'no-phosphorus' calcium supplement as live mealworms have high levels of phosphorus which can block calcium absorption.

    Live Mealworms

    When it comes to bird feeding, live mealworms are a top choice. They are an easy way to lure birds into your backyard, and they offer a high level of protein and moisture - both critical ingredients for fledglings in the nest.

    In addition to mealworms, other bird-friendly foods include cicada, earthworms, kiwi, crickets, fungi, beetles, insects, fruits and vegetables, eucalyptus seed, pollen, nectar, honeydew, and acacia gum. These diverse food sources help to provide the nutrients needed for healthy growth, and they should be offered in small quantities.

    If you are raising mealworms as a pet, make sure to keep them in the proper temperature and humidity for optimal development. You can do this by keeping the mealworms in a container with holes in the lid, or you can use a piece of fine wire mesh to allow air flow.

    Mealworms are also a great source of protein and calcium for sugar gliders. They can be given as a treat or supplemental food in small amounts twice a day.

    Fresh Mealworms

    While dried mealworms are considered safe for Sugar Gliders to eat, they should not be the staple of your glider’s diet. Mealworms are a high-fat, protein-rich food that is best eaten in small amounts and only occasionally.

    A good source of protein, mealworms provide your pet with essential nutrients like calcium and iron. These nutrients are essential to healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

    You can find these insects at bait shops or at a local feed store. You can also raise them yourself if you have the time.

    In order to successfully raise mealworms, you need a food substrate such as wheat bran or cornmeal. Place the worms in a container that is at least 3 inches deep, and cover them with a light layer of the substrate. Leave them in the container for at least one day or slightly longer. The worms will then start to develop into larvae. Once they have developed, the worms can be removed from the substrate and stored in your refrigerator for up to a month or more.


    Gliders are highly curious animals and love to explore their environment. So offering a variety of toys like bird toys, exercise wheels, ropes, ladders and chew toys help to stimulate their natural curiosity and provide enrichment for them in their cage.

    Treats can be offered as a small portion of their main diet (less than 10%) at least 2-3 times per week. However, treats should be offered sparingly as they can cause health problems like obesity when overfed.

    In the wild, sugar gliders eat a mixture of gum, saps, flower nectar, insects and meat as part of their diet. Pet owners need to mimic this proportion to ensure their pets get the nutrients they need.

    Some of the most popular treats for gliders include dried fruit, nuts and mealworms. These all-natural goodies can be offered as occasional snacks to your sugar gliders, but they should not be substituted for the pellet diet that contains protein, vitamins and healthy carbs & fat.