It directly conflicts with the behavioral norms required in the

  • It directly conflicts with the behavioral norms required in the first stage. For example, immigrants entering another cultural group cannot continue to play their original role due to changes in objective conditions.The superheroine that is of Mexican, Honduran,Champion of Cosplay and American descent has extremely dark beginnings. She is tortured both by the Ring itself and the tragic death of her friends before receiving the supernatural abilities.

    Furthermore, there are various separate elements to this suit, the shoulder pads being one example and the ring being another. Just like the character itself, Kamiko_zero has used her imagination to craft something unique and singularly striking.The role failed. Black Superman Costume  Also known as the character collapse. This is one of the most serious role disorders.In the course of changes, when a new role appears for the first time, society has not had time to stipulate its rights and obligations, which will also cause unclear roles.