3 Ways to Open the Advanced Startup Options Screen in Windows 1

  • If you’re a more advanced Windows user, you may occasionally need to access the advanced startup options screen in Windows 10. Maybe you’re troubleshooting a problem and want to enable safe mode, or maybe you’d like to see if a third-party program is interfering with your system boot process. Nulls Brawl Whatever the reason, there are several ways to get to that useful screen when you need it. Here are three different methods for opening the advanced startup options screen in Windows 10 — as well as some pros and cons of each one.

    From the Windows 10 Login Screen

    If you have Windows 10 set up to log in automatically, then the first place to look for advanced startup options is the login screen. When you log in, click or tap on the “Advanced options” link. Depending on your Windows 10 configuration, that link may be at the top of the login screen, or it may be at the bottom. If you can’t find it, try right-clicking on the login screen and checking the “Show administrative tools” option. If you don’t see the “Administrative tools” option at the bottom of the login screen, you may need to change your Windows 10 settings to allow “Administrative tools” to show up when you’re logged in.

    Via the Windows 10 Advanced Startup Options Menu

    If you’re already logged in when you want to access the advanced startup options, go to the Windows 10 Search box. In the “Ask me anything” box at the bottom, type “advanced startup”. Click “Advanced startup” to open the “Advanced startup” settings menu. This menu gives you access to all the same settings as the “Advanced startup” screen. You can also right-click on the Windows 10 Start menu button and choose “Command Prompt (Admin)”. This opens the Command Prompt, but with administrative rights enabled. If there’s a problem with your boot process, this Command Prompt may be able to help you troubleshoot it.

    By Running a Specific Command from the Run Box

    If you’re comfortable with using the Command Prompt and know the correct command to run, you can open the advanced startup options screen without ever logging in. To do this, open the Run box by pressing “Windows+R” on your keyboard. Type “msconfig”, then press “Enter”. This runs the “System Configuration Utility”, which is the Windows utility for accessing advanced boot options. You’ll see a menu with several tabs and options on it, including “Boot”, “Startup”, and “Tools”. Click the “Advanced options” tab at the top of the menu to open the advanced startup options screen.


    The advanced startup options screen is a great tool for troubleshooting problems with your computer’s boot process. It can also be very helpful if you suspect a third-party program is interfering with your system boot process. All you need to do is log in to Windows 10 with administrative privileges, then open the “System Configuration Utility”. From there, click the “Advanced options” tab to see all of your boot options.