Wow classic has basically been gone since the launch

  • Although it's not as memorable I think that's due to the WOW Classic Burning Crusade Gold fact that there are more choices. You could, for example, wear three pants. There could be one heroic pants, one Kara and one of the tailored pants. The bis might slightly make a difference to the other items. Vanilla will take you from the dungeon and then the upgrade stage for that phase.

    Vanilla is the most unique gear but TBC gear is very memorable. You have DST, stunherald/lionheart, Ashes of alar, warglavies, spellstrike/spellfire/shadoweave sets, Latros shifting sword, the sun eater (not meta but still a status item back in the day on priv servers). There are a lot of items, but they're not the same as vanilla. Wotlk goes downhill fast, but it's mostly due to 2 difficulties. It's not a good idea to be using Naxx 15x2.

    I just started playing TBC Classic a week ago and as a first-time player, I'd like to seek out directions to the zones of dungeons and raids in Outland. The game can be played as they appear on the map. But I prefer playing in chronological order, lore-wise. I've completed all of the quests within Hellfire Peninsula, the two dungeons in Hellfire Citadel, and all the quests in Zangarmarsh in the Serpent Lake dungeons. Then I'm getting quests in multiple zones and I'm feeling kinda lost.
    It's too easy to see it through a retail lens. There's no "chronological order" or overarching narrative to the quests for expansions, the vast majority of quests are limited to their own areas. There wasn't much of epic story telling back when. When you're 68, you're able to choose between Shadowmoon and Netherstorm. However, neither zone does anything to contain the other. There's no set story order. For raids, you will have to choose Kara > Gruul’s > Magtheridon> Tempest Keep/Sepernt Shrines (again they're not in an ordered order), Hyjal Black Temple, Sunwell. ZA is enjoyable and is available. But, as with all trolls, it's not "in" in any way.

    TBC was created as an expansiongame, and playing a TBC server gives you access to most Classic games (though it's outdated). But, they're now treated as distinct games for players who prefer the endgame of the classic/vanilla version.

    Wow classic has basically been gone since the launch of tbc classic, so I'd recommend you skip vanilla and go for tbc if I were you. Are you a new player? If so, I'd suggest you play at retail instead. It's a better game, with lots of enhancements to the quality of life.

    The trash mobs right prior to the bosses get an upgrade that boosts their dmg by 10 percent. So u sit there and besiege them until a mage spell has taken away I'm guessing 8-10 stacks. Then when the mages gets maximum stacks, kill the boss and have him stand in blue beam all the time. Give him all the innervates as well as mana tides you can while healing the shit out of the mage, too. These cheap WOW TBC Gold numbers fire and frost are achievable with Arcan around 5k.