How To Tighten Wig With Elastic Band?

  • How To Tighten Wig With Elastic Band?

    Actually, the elastic band is a great option when you have a wig that does not fit your head properly. Installing an elastic band that can make a wig fit tighter on your head. Besides, for those who just don’t like to install wigs with glue or are allergic to glue, the elastic band method works as well. Of course, this method is suitable for both full lace wig and lace front wig.

    What You Will Need:
    Your lace front wig;

    The elastic band;



    Black threads;

    Tape measure;

    Step One
    Use a tape measure to measure the distance of your head from ear to ear. Firstly take one end of the elastic band and put it behind your ear, pull the elastic as tight as you can, and place the other end right behind the other ear. That is the length you will need, so then cut the elastic band according to your head measurement.

    Step Two
    Place your new elastic band inside your loose wig cap and make sure put it goes along the curve of the loose wig cap.

    Step Three
    Use the black threads and needle to sew the edge of the band to each side of your lace front. Note: when you sew the elastic band, make sure you knot the end of your thread to secure the elastic band.

    Step Four
    After finishing the sewing, try on your loose lace wig, and adjust the wig to match the elastic band, so that it lays flat on your nape.

    How to add more room to your small wig?

    Braid your natural hair underneath

    The other way of making your undersized wig feel larger is by braiding your natural hair into neat cornrows before placing it on that unit. Braiding should be appropriate, ensuring that the braids go straight at the back of your head to maintain that flat foundation for your natural hair underneath.

    Braid foundations are also essential to place under the wig caps, as compared to simply putting your hair back into a ponytail or bun, then wearing your blonde ombre wig on top of your hair. Proper braiding of hair is very fundamental as it will keep your hair completely flat and less bumpy in appearance.

    Proper braiding ensures that your wig doesn't appear like it's sitting on top of your head while creating more wig space underneath.

    Adding wefts from an older cheap frontal wig

    Use a good old seam ripper for this method. The ripper should be a standard one with a good point having a new sharp cutting edge centre. Separate the wefts from the extra wig’s cap, being extra careful not to break the wefts or stitch. It's worth pointing out that wefts are those long strips of hair on a wig.

    Add the extra hair weft onto the underside of your hd lace frontal wigs then bring it out and over. The hairline weft should always be about twice as thick as your standard weft if you happen to have enough hair on your space wig.

    Those who prefer creating their wefts must always ensure that it’s twice thicker when compared to the regular weft. Always Keep your weft thick enough to ensure the edges are invisible.

    Finally, sew the hair carefully under the hairlines and pull it back to a proper position. The new weft will appear puffy at first, and it's usually advisable that you iron the hair flat using a pressing cloth and also a Teflon material. Turn the iron on high setting and press it on the hair momentarily, while taking care not to go up on the transparent lace wigs cotton.

    Wigs play a pivotal role when it comes to ladies making a fashion statement. Not only are they stunning, but they're also a great protective style that ensures your natural hair is free from breakage or damage. We hope it can help you when you meet this problem when buying a wig.