Role of writer in society

  • Identity depends upon our limitation,sources and values.It describes our dimensions,the circle which we made before entering in professional life and knowing the negative and positive aspects of this field.

    Being a writer,a person can influence the mind of readers.Words act on heart.They change the whole life of a reader. A good writer can attract the heart and mins by his writing. Most of the people I have seen in my life changed by reading books. I alson changed.In our busy lives we do not have time for extra activities but before going to bed if we read only few pages of book it can give us relief from tension and depression.Reading the book improve our reading and thinking skills.By reading books we imagine ourselves in that story character. Book selection is very important. Writer express the feelings of character in words which is not easy. In dramas we watch but in story we feel.

    In my stories I will describe a real life. I want to influence the mids with my writing, concepts and thoughts. I just want to tell the peeople that we can do many things at a time. There should be not only one aim in our life.