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Hi! What do you do when you're free?

    • 6 posts
    November 25, 2023 3:11 AM +05

    Hi! What do you do when you're free? I want to know what you do.


    • 23 posts
    March 7, 2024 4:30 PM +05

    8 things you should know before adopting a pet

    Adopting a pet can change your life in more ways than you imagine, a dog or a cat can fill your existence with joy, adventure and fun, but it can also empty your wallet, leave you with dozens of chewed-up shoes (especially at the beginning ) and cause some “inconveniences” (like having to take them out for a walk even if you're raw), so it's not a decision that should be made lightly adored family members.

    Pets are not toys, they are not going to come into your life perfectly trained and knowing that they should not bite your favorite jacket, they are going to need to go to the vet, play and eat (eat a lot), and they can give you many surprises along the way.

    2020 was the year of the pandemic, but it was also a year in which thousands of people decided to add a furry companion to their family, buying or adopting dogs and cats (aka the masters of manipulation) like there was no tomorrow. What is the problem? Well, according to a series of reports from The Times, many of the puppies that were purchased during the year are now being sold on pet sales sites or abandoned.

    Apparently, many people are realizing that a dog or cat does not fit into their lifestyle and that they really do not have the time to give them the attention and care they require. As reported by The Times, organizations such as The Dogs Trust have received thousands of calls in the last three months from people wanting dogs under a year old to be rehomed.

    An RSPCA spokesperson said: "We are concerned that many families who were at home with time on their hands during lockdown made impulsive decisions to take in pets and are now, just a few months later, looking to rehome their new dogs after realizing the compromise that they have, having had economic difficulties due to the pandemic or because they have returned to work and no longer have time for themselves.

    That can happen to anyone, which is why you should know some things and be completely aware of what awaits you when adopting a pet.

    What do you need to know before making a decision?

    Having a pet is a huge commitment
    A new cat or dog has to acclimatize to your house, you have to train it to learn where to go to the bathroom, you have to buy food, toys, pay for vaccinations, visits to the vet and dedicate time for the adoption to be successful, so you must be sure that you could do it.

    You have to investigate
    You need to know everything about the type of animal you are going to adopt, what it eats, the size it will have, the characteristics of the breed, find a nearby veterinarian and even the possibility of suffering from allergies, all of this will help you find the best candidate for what you want. what do you need.

    Adopting is cheaper, but you will spend a lot of money
    Pet care is an extra expense that you must take into account, you are going to buy a lot of food, they are going to destroy toys at the speed of light, you have to give them all the vaccines, pay for their grooming, medications and many other things. It really is like having a baby at home all the time, and your budget will notice it.

    It's a long-term commitment
    Cats and dogs don't live as long as humans, but cats can live up to 20 years old and dogs can live up to 18, so you should be prepared to care for that little furry being for many years to come.

    That love at first sight doesn't count
    You may love a dog or cat , but you can't base your decision on that alone. Especially with animals for adoption through shelters and shelters, you must take the time for them to feel comfortable with you, you must learn to decipher their personality and activity level, if they are good with children and are social, all this will help you Find the one that best matches your lifestyle.

    Adopted Pets Need Training Too
    Even if they belonged to someone before, these are animals that don't know you and aren't used to living in your house, so you're going to have to teach them to follow your commands, which places they can't enter, and even walk next to you when they go out for a walk.

    You're going to have to adjust your house
    You don't need to change everything, but you do need to move some things so that they are out of reach of a curious pet . You should also know that your couches are going to be covered in hair, that your bed is going to become theirs, and that some small objects can be dangerous for your dog or cat.

    You must be flexible
    Everyone believes that dogs and cats will follow all the rules to the letter, but that is never the case. You have to be willing to accept the fact that your pet doesn't want to sleep in the corner where you placed her bed, you're going to have to deal with some behavioral issues as the two of you adjust to each other, and expect the unexpected. And don't stress, your dog feels it and that can make his behavior worse.

    • 23 posts
    March 9, 2024 2:46 PM +05


    Have you just created your Instagram account and want to gain followers? Follow these simple tips that will help you gain followers buy 150 instagram likes.

    1. Quality photographs : Not just any image will do. People enjoy seeing aspects of everyday life that happen spontaneously, but they must have a certain quality. Trying to convey a message through photography works. Be consistent (don't abandon the account for weeks), too. Don't spend the whole day telling your life through photographs, because it causes you to lose interest for your followers. Look for a balance.

    2. See what works : Follow profiles similar to yours and check what type of photos they upload. You shouldn't copy their ideas but they can give you clues to improve yours. Many celebrities “use” their pets or share family moments with their followers.

    3. Use hashtags : More important than the description. Search Instagram to see which hashtags are most popular and use them. Unlike Twitter, it is advisable to use more than two per photo.

    4. Comment on other users' photos : Interacting is another way to get attention. Many will discover that you exist and visit your profile. Living apart from others is an option if you are someone you know, but an anonymous person must make the most of this formula.

    5. Link photographs with other social networks : In a simple and intuitive way, the Instagram application itself allows you to share your images with your Twitter and Facebook accounts. Many of your followers on these networks will click on the link and will be able to like and even follow you.