Warcraft Classic TBC may be getting Wrath

  • World of Warcraft is a game that has been played for a long time and its story has grown tremendously from its Vanilla timeframe all the way to present. "Vanilla" World of Warcraft, or as it is called in its current playable form, WoW: Classic, is a variant of the game, where players get to experience it the way it was when it first became available in 2004 as well as the two years of content that followed before the launch of its first massive expansion The Burning Crusade with wow tbc classic gold. Although the game's first few years didn't have any central idea or a final climax, there were many exceptional lore moments that players were able to participate in.

    World of Warcraft's first release brought the story of the universe to where it left off following the RTS game, Warcraft 3. There was a time when the Burning Legion used the Scourge to cause chaos across the globe, and opened the way for them to take over Azeroth during what is known as the Third War. Orcs and trolls made their way to Kalimdor to find a new home away from persecution. They quickly bonded with the tauren.

    The Alliance began to move ahead, guided by Jaina Proudmoore. She had been ordered to go west by Medivh. The final Guardian coordinated that the Horde and Alliance were in Kalimdor to help the night the elves defend the World Tree, Nordrassil (similar to Teldrassil, the tree that was burned in the Battle for Azeroth by Sylvanas Windrunner as part of Battle for Azeroth), from the Legion. While there was a lot of fighting on the way however, the inhabitants of Azeroth achieved their goal of protecting their home.

    World of Warcraft's first release continued the universe's story beginning from where it left off following it was replaced by the RTS games, Warcraft 3. In Warcraft 3. the Burning Legion used the Scourge to cause destruction across the world, paving room for them to take over Azeroth in what's known as The Third War. The trolls and the orcs ventured to Kalimdor to find a new sanctuary from persecution which is where they soon made friends with the tauren.

    The Alliance was followed by Jaina Proudmoore who had been directed to sail west by Medivh. The last Guardian coordinated that the Horde as well as the Alliance were in Kalimdor to help the night the elves protect their World Tree, Nordrassil (similar to the Teldrassil Tree that was burnt down due to Sylvanas Windrunner at the time of Battle for Azeroth), from the Legion with buy TBC Classic Gold. Although there was conflict between the two sides The inhabitants of Azeroth were able to defend their homeland.