Reincarnation of dhabba culture

  • The deadline 'May 15th' is just around the corner and there is still a lot of work to do. I faced a lot of trouble finding cameraman for my final project. It took a long period of time to finding someone who could help me document my topic in my budget. Now that the cameraman is arranged so I have finalized the days for shooting but due to his busy schedule with classes he can only give three days time in a week.

    The script is still in the making but everything else has been decided including the division of shots, the locations of shoot, the required permissions from locations and CDA. The locality of my shoot is mainly Islamabad as it consists of a large number of dhabbas and some dhabbas located at taxila. The topic of my documentary is "Reincarnation of dhaba culture" For decades the Pak Tea House served as a rallying point for professors and students from these institutions. Sipping cups of tea and sitting for hours, intellectuals, writers and poets would engage in discussion as the students gathered around them. Much before literary festivals bridged the gap between writers and readers, the Pak Tea House brought the two together, unbound by the restraints that confine discussions at much of these festivals in India and Pakistan. Unfortunately today the culture has revived, the people have opened modern dhabbas. The roadside dhabbas are only accessible to people with low incomes.Also dhabbas has always been a spot of truck drivers, old people, students, poor people etc. I hope to bring out the best from this topic.